When Do We Stop Being Creative?

I'm often told, sometimes with a bit of disdain, that I have so many irons in the fire and when will I learn to narrow it down? I receive eye rolls if I list the things I'm doing or interested in, as if people can't possibly believe that I really have time to do all of those things. I suppose skepticism is warranted. We, as adults in America, are suspicious of a lack of focus and deem it "flakiness" or "an inability to commit". We seldom celebrate the Renaissance men and women in our lives, perhaps because we find it more comfortable to categorize than include. Perhaps it is because we have listened to our own little critic voices in our heads that tell us that we "can't do the thing" because we're just "not talented" or "not good enough." I'm not interested in what the critic has to say. I'm interested in doing the thing. Also, I'm hardly saying that I'm at an intermediate level in every activ...