Good Ideas Happen in the Bath
It never fails. I'm halfway through my shower or bath, when I get this flood of ideas and words and I need to run out of the shower wrapped in a towel and plop my fingers down on a keyboard to get some of this out. I know the science behind it and yet it always amuses me. It's not a habit that lends itself to a 9-5 work schedule. But maybe it's the habit that is beginning to help me understand where I actually get my joy from. I've been struggling to draw again. I'm having this strange realization, as I sit there countless times, both disgusted and horrified by my quality of drawings, that I'm not enjoying myself. I'm not enjoying creating visual art, and that's... also horrifying. Drawing is how I've defined a joyful activity for myself since I was between three and four years old. What is wrong with my brain that I find it utterly... boring now? Is this just a stage of the multipotentialite brain, that I find myself completely turned off by an ac...