Thoughts on Bravery

I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be brave. It started when I was sitting in a woman's circle on Monday evening (they have these things in Brooklyn) and we started talking about what each of us has accomplished year. The discussion's purpose was supposed to make us feel more accomplished, so that we wouldn't be plagued by imposter syndrome or that endless anxiety that comes when one feels they have failed to accomplish "enough". I mentioned how I spent most of the last year trying to leave my job, and then finally succeeded at leaving my job in order to pursue a freelance career. It doesn't seem like much, but it elicited the response of "Wow, that is very brave!" from some of the participants. And I suppose I was able to acknowledge that it was, indeed, "brave", if one can consider the measures you take to get to air when you are drowning "brave". Being in the wrong job can feel an awful lot like drown...