The Full Sturgeon Moon

Greetings! Today marks one of my favorite times of year: the August Full Moon. Named "The Full Sturgeon Moon", "The Green Corn Moon", "The Wheat Cut Moon", "The Moon When All Things Ripen", and/or "The Blueberry Moon" by different Native American tribes, this moon and this time of year always fill me with anticipation. It's upon this precipice that summer begins it's tumble into autumn, but the glow of the sun is still available to be celebrated. The light is my favorite, between late Autumn and early September, when everything from trees to grass to water becomes filled with golden fairy light. Since I've always been academically inclined, I could also be jones-ing for the fall because I want to buy new Lisa Frank pencils and a trapper keeper, but who am I to say. Whatever the reason, I always regain whatever motivation I've lost during the lazy, long summer months flies back in full force in September, and I end up ...