The Full Sturgeon Moon

Greetings! Today marks one of my favorite times of year: the August Full Moon. Named "The Full Sturgeon Moon", "The Green Corn Moon", "The Wheat Cut Moon", "The Moon When All Things Ripen", and/or "The Blueberry Moon" by different Native American tribes, this moon and this time of year always fill me with anticipation. It's upon this precipice that summer begins it's tumble into autumn, but the glow of the sun is still available to be celebrated. The light is my favorite, between late Autumn and early September, when everything from trees to grass to water becomes filled with golden fairy light.
Since I've always been academically inclined, I could also be jones-ing for the fall because I want to buy new Lisa Frank pencils and a trapper keeper, but who am I to say. Whatever the reason, I always regain whatever motivation I've lost during the lazy, long summer months flies back in full force in September, and I end up scheming of all sorts of projects to keep me busy.
Full moons in particular always get my thoughts and dreams running freely. I'm typically not anticipatory about having truly vivid dreams during a full moon, because that would be sort of
"woo-woo" or something. However, nine out of ten times, when I do have a cataclysmic sort of space opera dream, or one in which I go flying around the sun, it's typically during the full moon. I'm not particularly sure of the causality, if there is any, but there is a correlation.

I could swear to you that I've had dreams about similar aquatic structures within this past year. I know that these haven't come to fruition (and this article is even back from October 2016), but the fact that they were designed recently is inspiration enough to me to get going on maybe drawing up some aquatic structures of my own. In fact, this "Inhabitat" website seems chock full of conceptual marvels.
The design dreamed about was a similarly-shaped structure that was eight stories tall and floated on the river. Cylindrically-shaped, I'm not sure how it would balance on the water at such a height but I think it a worthy engineering challenge. The one in my dream was simply a floating bar, with a spiral stair that led you up through each level of entertainment. While "cool", ideally such a structure could be used for far more practical means, such as growing food. I imagine structures like these with greenhouses wrapped around the interior structure, growing all sorts of vegetables on each floor. They would be made flexible enough to bounce with the waves and storms that pass over the waterways, and their exterior would have to be quite durable. Some sort of changing modular system would be preferable. I guess I should get to the drawing board.
Thanks, August, for your inspiration ;).
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